Computer Science & Engineering

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Computer Science & Engineering


The Department of Computer Science & Engineering offers B.Tech programs fulfilling the latest requirements of the industry and the changing technological environments. The course emphasizes on both hardware and software with strong foundations in the traditional areas of Computer Science & Engineering. Apart from regular curriculum emphasis is given to hands-on training and design. The department has 21 well trained faculty members with years of experience in guiding the students in their projects and studies. The department is a part of the Infosys Campus Connect Program and also a NBA Accredited Department.


National Conference on Smart Systems & Technologies (NCSST - 2021) Click Here>>

Vision of CSE Department

A department that develops self-esteemed, creative and competent computer engineers focusing on the progress of society.

Mission of CSE Department

1. To help the students groom into a highly competent computer engineer having a strong foundation and entrepreneurship skill, communication skill and ethical values.

2. To motivate the students to update their knowledge and achieve academic growth through post graduate and research programs.

3. To inculcate commitment towards society and ethical values.

Programs Offered
Program Type Duration
B.Tech Full-time 4 years

Teaching Staff of Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Staff List Designation Qualification
Dr. Abdul Nizar Professor & Principal Ph.D
Dr.Shreelekshmi R Professor & H.O.D Ph.D
Prof.Keerthi Krishnan Asso. Professor M.E (Doing Ph.D)
Prof.Dr. Sheeja Agustin Professor M.Tech., Ph.D
Prof. Sunitha S. Asst. Professor M.Tech
Prof. Reeja S. L. Asst. Professor M.E (Doing Ph.D)
Prof. Swapna H. Asst. Professor M.Tech (Doing Ph.D)
Prof. Nitha L.Rozario Asst. Professor M.Tech
Prof. (Dr.)Mercelin Francis Asst. Professor M.E., Ph.D
Prof. Nisha J R Asst. Professor M.E (Doing Ph.D)
Prof. Sangeeth N. (on study leave) Asst. Professor M.Tech
Prof. Hema S. Mahesh Asst. Professor M.Tech
Prof.Ann Mathew Asst. Professor M.Tech
Prof. Dhanya L Asst. Professor M.Tech , (Doing Ph.D)
Prof. Harsha T Asst. Professor M.Tech
Prof. Binsi P Asst. Professor M.Tech
Prof. Aiswarya I P Asst. Professor M.Tech
Prof. Mary Lisa Leenuse Asst. Professor M.Tech
Dr.Anusha B Asst. Professor Ph.D
Prof. Aswathy G S Adhoc Faculty M.Tech
Prof..Aswathy P.V Adhoc Faculty M.Tech
Prof. Sreekutty S Vinod Adhoc Faculty M.Tech
Prof.Renetha J B Adhoc Faculty M.Tech
Prof..Rashmi M.K Adhoc Faculty M.Tech
Prof.Revathi B R Adhoc Faculty M.Tech
Prof. Shakhy P S Adhoc Faculty M.Tech
Technical Staff of Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Staff List Designation Qualification
Ms.Sheeja George Computer Operator MCA
Ms.Tessy T Lab Instructor MCA
Mr. Barnous Samuel Lab Instructor Diploma
Mr. Jery John Lab Instructor Diploma
Mr.Shelton Joseph System Administrator