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ISHRAE Marian Students Chapter MARIANISH

ISHRAE Marian Student Chapter: MARIANISH


MARIANISH – ISHRAE’s Marian Student Chapter was Digitally Installed on 13th of August at 6:00pm.


The Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE), was founded in 1981 at New Delhi by a group of eminent HVAC&R professionals. ISHRAE today has more than 28,780 HVAC&R professionals and Student-members. ISHRAE operates from 41 Chapters and sub Chapters spread all over India, with HQ in Delhi.

Chief Guests:

Dr. Ruby Abraham (Principal, Marian Engineering College)

Mr. Richie Mittal (National President, ISHRAE)

Other Guests of honour present for the digital installation:

Mr. Amitbha Sur (ISHRAE National President Elect)

Mr. Chandrasekhar Narayan (ISHRAE National Secretary)

Mr. Madhukar A. (ISHRAE Regional Director-South-1)

Dr. Udhaya Kumar P. (ISHRAE National Vice Chair-Student)

Prof. Antony Aroul Raj V. (ISHRAE Zonal Chair-South Student Activities)

Mr. Noushad Hussain M. (President ISHRAE Trivandrum Chapter)

Mr. Prasannalal B. (Secretary ISHRAE Trivandrum Chapter)

Mr. Abhilash M.R. (CWC Member ISHRAE Trivandrum Chapter)

Student Chapter Office bearers

President: Mr.Gokul R.

President Elect: Mr.Obed Thomas Koshi

Secretary: Mr.S. M. Krishnanunni Marar

Treasurer: Mr.Akshay Balan

CWC Members:

Mr. Amal A. R.

Mr. Govind Dileep

Ms. Shilpa Shaji

Faculty-in-charge: Prof. Manu Mohan