Electronics & Communication Engineering

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Department Activities


  • A very inspiring session by Ms. Sangeetha Elizabeth Paniker (Corporate trainer for MNC’s for the past 20 years as well an Entrepreneur and Director of SharpSkills) was given to the students of EC and ECS on 3rd October, 2024


  • On 15/10/2024 Electronics Association of Marian Engineering College conducted a Microcontroller-based Project-making competition called "Code Craft Challenge". There were a total of 16 entries. The judging panel included Mr.Akash B, IoT Solution Architect at WETEEG, Mrs Minnu C Jayan, (Faculty Coordinator AP, ECE), Ms. Preetha S L (Faculty Coordinator AP, ES). First prize winners were Shreyas S Krishna, Sacheth Sivaprasad, and Kiran P. (22-26 ECS) who were awarded by the title "Techy of the Year". Second prize winners were Diya Udayakumar, Ancy K R, Alameen H N, Abhishek S. S of S3 EC (23-27 ECE). Participants gained valuable experience in project development and presentation, while attendees were inspired by the creativity and innovation on display.
  • First prize winners Shreyas S Krishna, Sacheth Sivaprasad, and Kiran P. of S5 ECS (22-26) were awarded the title "Techy of the Year"

  • Second prize winners Diya Udayakumar, Ancy K R, Alameen H N, Abhishek S S of S3 EC (23-27 EC)

  • On 10th October 2024 at IEDC Seminar Hall Electronics Association conducted an event named “Gateway to Success” which was an interactive session by A. Jegatheesh (M.E,MBA(EDU).,PHD) .In this session students experienced the importance of GATE and ways to crack the GATE competitive exams. They also learned the shortcuts and the how to get good cutoff in the GATE exams in an easier way.


On 29th July, 2024, an Expert Talk session by Dr. Arun P.L (College of Engineering, Perumon) on the topics “Digital Revolution : Navigating the Future ” and “ DSP: Where Signals meet Intelligence” was organized by the Department of Electronics for the 2022-2026 and 2023-2027 batch students of Electronic and Communication and Electronics and Computer Engineering.

On 22nd August, 2024 the Department had organized an expert talk session on Today and Future Electric Vehicles for the Green world by Mr. Hari Prabodhan . His experience on this area for the past 18 years at Texas has inspired and motivated students to bring out innovative ideas on project works.

The Department of Electronics and Communication & Electronics and Computer had lit the lamp as part of inaugural ceremony - Electronics Association on 29th August, 2024. The Chief Guest of the day was Ms. Archa Mohan (Developer-III, Software Engineering, UST- Kochi). She is also our dedicated Alumnus of 2015-2019 ECE. Principal Dr. Abdul Nizar addressed the audience followed by the both department heads and Association Chairperson 



On 22nd and 23rd April, 2024 the Kerala Block Chain Academy in collaboration with Department of ECE, organized a 2 day training program coordinated by Prof.Minnu Jayan C. and Prof.Preetha S.L for the registered students of ECE, ES and EEE. The Resource persons were Nikhil V Chandran R&D Engineer, Sumi Maria Abraham R&D Engineer and   Niraja Shenoy R&D Engineer from Digital University of Kerala. The Block chain certificates were received by 16 students out of the 21 registered candidates.

The Faculty of Department of Electronics, visited the United Electrical Industries Ltd. On 14th June, 2024.


Department of ECE has an active association which will conduct technical and non technical programs on a regular basis. Students take an active participation in the programs.


Report of ECE Department Activities for the year 2022-2023 --- Click Here

Report of ECE Department Activities for the year 2021-22 Click Here

Report of ECE Department Activities for the year 2020-21  Click Here

Report of ECE Department Activities for the year 2021-22  Click here


ECE Department Tour from 21st March to 27th March, 2024.

Place of Visit: Wayanad, Mysore, Dandeli, Goa

Industrial Visit: kaynes Technology India Ltd., Mysore (Electronic device manufacturing company)



Alumni Interaction Session by Arun R.K (Alumni of 2005-2009ECE and now he is the Lieutenant Commander, Southern Naval Command, Indian Navy,Kochi)for the first year ECE and ES students on 14th March 2024 at ECE Seminar Hall.




CONVOCATION 2023 on 16-12-2023

The Department of ECE has organized the Marian Merits Day Chrysalis’23

,on 16-12-2023.Nearly 320 students participated in the event and made the day a great success



TECH EXPO on 7-12-2023

Based on the two day workshop on Arduino on 13th and 14th November, 2023 a competition was held for the S3 ECE and ES students (2022-2026) on 7thDecember, 2023. Of the 11 batches who participated the 1st prize was won by Kiran , Shreyas and Sacheth of ES batch for their product ‘’


Two day workshop was organized by the Department of Electronics in collaboration with Aester India Pvt. Ltd for the 2022-2026 ECE and ES students on 13th and 14th November 2023.

Two day workshop on Arduino by Aester India Pvt. Ltd.


AUXILIUM- an Assistive Technology club on 14-11-2023


On 14thNovember,2023  Dr. Ashmi M(Lead Project Scientist),Dr. Priyalakshmi S., (Project Scientist)& Mr. Deepu Raj, (Senior Engineer)of  National Institute of Speech and Hearing (NISH), inaugurated the Club AUXILIUM- an Assistive Technology hub coordinated by the Department of ECE, and as part of that an awareness session was taken by the guests of Honour.


Expert Talk DSP and its Applications was held at ECE Semninar Hall on 31st October, 2023


Inauguration od ECE Association 2023


lnauguration of Marian Electronics Association 2023 -2024  on 17th October 2023,10am-12pm.




'Insight to IEEE'by Electronics Association on 17th October 2023,2pm -4pm.



A talk on careers and research in Telecom industry


  • On 11/04/2023, a talk on "Career Building through Internship Programs” wasorganized by Electronics association. The speaker was Dr. Sreejith B. J, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, SCT College of Engineering, Former assistant director of KTU.
  •  On 27/04/2023, the Electronics Association organized a comprehensive and hands-on Web Development Workshop Class at AOC Lab. The workshop aimed to equip participants with the fundamental skills and knowledge required to design and develop functional websites. The class catered to individuals in enhancing their knowledge in web development.
  • The event “2 - day hands on workshop of IoT, AI &ML”, by Electronics association in collaboration with Inspira Marian IEDC was held on 11th and 12th April, 2023. At the UST Sponsored Lab of ECE Department. The workshop mainly focused on creating modules in arduino and raspberry pi. Name of the event: 2-day hands on workshop of IoT, AI, & ML Date: 11-April-2023, 12-April-2023, Venue: UST sponsored lab - ECE department
  • On 12/12/2022, a Drawing Competition on the theme of "Sustainable Development for Science and Technology" was conducted by the Electronics Association. The event aimed to encourage students to creatively express their ideas about sustainable development in the context of science and technology through their artwork. First prize: Nayana, Second prize: Krishna Dev. Winners were awarded with cash prize and certificates. Participation certificates were also provided.
  • On 07/12/2022, a talk on "Introduction to app development and entrepreneurship” was organized by the Electronics Association exclusively for S3 ECE students. The speaker was Dr. Abhishek. S, Managing Director, Deals Breezee Private Ltd
  • On 29/11/2022, the Electronics Association was inaugurated with the newly elected office bearers. The program began with prayer and welcome address by Nandana. S. Chandran (Student), presidential address by Manager, Fr. Wilfred. E followed by a keynote speech of the chief guests Anoop Mathew Uluvathu (Developer II Software Engineering at UST, Co-Founder and CTO at ZetGo, IEEEian) and Alan Mathew Uluvathu (ETL Developer at Guidehouse, Co-Founder of ZetGo, IEEEian). Later followed by a message from Principal, Dr. J. David and Dean, Dr. A. Samson. Felicitation was by Parvathy Gopan (Chairman, ECE association) and Jithin Thomas (Secretary, ECE association) and vote of thanks was given by Adithya A. S. (Joint Secretary, ECE association).
  • 3 day FDP in AI and ROBOTICS was organized by the Department from August 31st to September 2nd, 2022.

Orientation Program - 2021


Inaugural Ceremony of Electronics Association 2021

Farewell 2017-2021 Batch

Script Writing Competition ‘ POOMARAM

On 13th June ,2021 a Script Writing Competition ‘ POOMARAM ‘  was organized by the Electronics and Communication Engineering Department

Expert Talk on Artificial Intelligence & Speech
Processing Applications- An Outlook 

On 21st  May, 2021 an Expert Talk on Artificial Intelligence & Speech Processing Applications- An Outlook  was organized by the  Department of Electronics & Communication, for the S6 (2018-2022 ECE) and S8 (2017-2021 ECE) students.

The Session was handled by Ms. Starlet Ben Alex, AP-ECE, SaintGits College of Engineering, Kottayam


Expert Talk on Fiber Optics in 5G

On 17 May, 2021 an Expert Talk on Fiber Optics in 5G was organized by the  Department of Electronics & Communication, for the S6 (2018-2022 ECE) and S8 (2017-2021 ECE) students. The Session was handled by Dr. Sreedevi P.(AP-ECE , MBT)

Motivational Talk on ART OF SUCCESS

On 15th May,2021 a Motivational Talk on ART OF SUCCESS was delivered by Mr. Abhinanth Jayakumar (Former Senate Chairman, MEC), Faculty and Trainer, Kerala Child Line.

Expert Talk on” Stepping to the World of Programming"

On 12TH MAY, 2021 an Expert Talk on” Stepping to the World of Programming”, was organized for S2 (2020-2024) ECE students. The Session was handled by: Ms. Jyothi Johnson , AP,CSE

Expert Talk on ” General Awareness on Telecom Industry”


On 9TH MAY, 2021 an  Expert Talk on ” General Awareness on Telecom Industry”, was organized for S2 (2020-2024) and S4 (2019-2023) ECE students. The Session was  handled by: Mr.Dilshad S., Sub Divisional Engineer, BSNL


“Awareness Session on Gate and Career Guidance”

On 8TH APRIL, 2021 an “Awareness Session on Gate  and Career Guidance” was organized by the Department of ECE, for S6 (2018-2022) and S8 (2017-2021) ECE students. The Session was  handled by: Mr.S.M.M.TRINADH (ACE ENGIINEERING ACADEMY)



(GLOBAL DEVELOPERS OF AI, BLOCKCHAIN) as Centre of Excellence in AI & ML on 27th January 2021

 Expert Talk on ” General Awareness on Telecom Industry”

MoU with ACCUBITS TECHNOLOGIES (GLOBAL DEVELOPERS OF AI, BLOCKCHAIN) as Centre of Excellence in AI& ML on 27th January 2021 with objectives

  • Centre of Excellence in AIML.
  • Provide training, facilitate self-learning and enhance skills of students.
  • Bridge the gap between Industry and Academia
  • Foster the spirit of learn- to-work at the early student- ship.

FDP on Fundamentals on  AI and ML

Department of Electronics and Communication organized an FDP on 4th and 5th March 2021. The Sessions was handled by Mr. Sthanu Ramakrishnan Thambi,  Project Delivery Manager, UST and Dr. Biji C. L., Course Instructor, Department of Bioinformatics, University of Kerala.


Department of Electronics and Communication organized an orientation program for first year ECE students (2020-2024)  on 10 March 2021. The session was handled by Mr. ARUN R.K (2005 -2009 ECE), LIEUTENANT COMMANDER, INDIAN NAVY

KBAIC Workshop on Block Chain Technology and Application 

The Department of Electronics & Communication has arranged an “Online Workshop on Blockchain Technology and Application”, with KBAIC (KERALA BLOCKCHAIN ACADEMY INNOVATION CLUB) on 26 th Feb, 2021.
Resource Person: Mr. Melwin Sunny, R & D Engineer, KBA
Participants: Limited to 30, interested students and staff of ECE had participated.


The aim of this Class is how effectively one can use different electronic platforms like Arduino Uno and Raspberry Pi to develop innovative and useful projects. The class was introduced to ECE students by ECE Departmentof Marian Engineering College and was handled by members of Mechatronics Club. The first day started with an introduction to Arduino where basic programs like BLINK where taught to get us familiarised. Then individual components and their working and setup with the microcontroller was made clear. Components like, LDR, relay, and displays were made familiar. 

A Technical talk on Mechatronics

A Technical talk on Mechatronics by Mr. Maneesh T., AP in Mechanical Department, Marian Engineering College, and Ms. Sneha A.S ( Student Coordinator, Mechatronics Club) organized by Electronics Association for first year students on 03-1-2021, 2 to 3 pm 

An  Expert talk on ‘Nurture the Entrepreneur in you’

An Expert talk on 'Nurture the Entrepreneur in you' was organized by Electronics Association  for First and Second Year Electronics Students on 29-01-2021, 02.00pm-02.40 pm. The session was handled by Dr. M. Manoj (Asso. Professor, ECE), IEDC Nodal Officer, Marian Engineering College.

A chat with seniors

A Chat with Seniors  for first year students on 19-01-2021, 02.00pm-02.30 pm to give an insight of different associations and clubs in our college and their experience with placements, technical talks etc. The session was handled by Final year students of ECE

Technical Talk on "Machine Learning" by Ms. Sreena V. G

Electronics Association Organized a Technical Talk on "An Introduction on Machine Learning" by Ms. Sreena V. G, Assistant Professor in our department on 12 December 2020 in Google Meet. Most of the students from S7, S5 and S3 attended the same

How to frame your AIM


Electonics Association Orgnizes a motivational seminar on "How to frame your AIM" on 30 November, 2020

Interaction with Alumni

Electronics Association Organizes an interaction with Alumni  - Ms. Meera Vinod (2014-2018 batch), UX Researcher and Designer, Freelancing on 27 November, 2020


Virtual Inaugural Ceremony of Center of Excellence in AI & ML on 24 November 2020. The Keynote Address by the Guest of Honor Mr.Shameer Thaha, Global CEO and CSO,
Middle East / Africa, Accubits Technologies



Department of Electronics and Communication organizes a webinar on "Machine Learning".   The session was handled by Ms. Jesna Joseph, Chief AI Engineer, LEAP on 21 November 2020. 

Best Innovation in Electronics


Seminar Presentation Competition in "Best Innovation in Electronics" for students in S5 and S3, on 21 November 2020


An online Technical Quiz "QUIZHEADZZ" organized by our Association on 12 November, 2020. The winners are

  • 1st-Ashwin ouseph(S5T)
    2nd-Kessia Justine Dcruz(S3C)
    3rd-S M Krishnanunni Marar(S3M)

 Technical Chat with Senior

A Technical Chat with Ms. Annie Kurian (Senior Technician, Allianz Technologies) for all S7 students on 02-11-2020 at  01.30 pm



Electronics Association hosted the Debate, "CROSSFIRE" among all departments in our college on October 31, 2020. The winners are

  • Josena (S5T), Akash (S5R)-1st place
  • Devika(S5T) , Abinston (S5EEE)- 2nd place.

It was well organized and conducted by our S7 students of our department.




A free Webinar on "Introduction to Embedded Systems" in association with SkillDzire on 31 October, 2020. The session includes : 

  1. Features of Embedded
    2. Risc vs Cisc
    3. uP vs uC
    4. Industry Software 


Tips for technical writing and Effective presentation


A free webinar on "Tips for Technical writing and Effective Presentation" was organized by our departmetn on 24 October, 2020. The sessions were handled by Prof. Sreena V. G and Prof. Minnu Jayan C of our department.



CHIT CHAT was an experience sharing session by our prestigious Alumni in different areas like higher education in India and Abroad, Job and interview experience in  government and private sectors. It was follwed by an expert talk on Project Initiatives by Mr. Shino G. Babu, Director, TIERA on October 17, 2020.



Department of ECE, Marian Engineering College in association with CGP Career Avenues is organising a webinar on Job & Higher Studies options after  B.Tech on October 10, 2020. Topics:
a) Jobs: Discussion on PSU jobs, Govt of India jobs, SSC JE, RRB JE, DEFENCE, etc.
b) Higher Studies: Options in India and abroad.
c) Choosing between M.Tech & MBA



Inaguration of Electronics Engineering Association on 26th September 2020 by Ms. Sujatha E., Joint General Manager, Tata Elxsi


On 19th September, the Department of Electronics and Communication, Marian Engineering College, Trivandrum had organized a online workshop through Google Meet, on PROTEUS DESIGN SUIT 8.0 with an intention to help students to design projects.

The resource person was Ms. Archa Mohan(Alumnus 2015-2019 ECE), System Engineer, Infosys. 



On 24th July, the Department of Electronics and Communication, Marian Engineering College, Trivandrum had organized a webinar through Google Meet, on “Revealing the Robotic World” with an intention to motivate students of all disciplines to explore the Role of Robotics in Real world.

Webinar was handled by Mr. Alphonse Devasia, Senior Robotics Engineer, Unique World Robotics, Dubai, UAE. Moreover he is an Alumni of our College.


Department of Electronics & Communication, had organized FDP & Hands-on-Training oSimulation Tools & IoT for Technical Staff on 23rd and 24th June, 2020

The Sessions handled were:

  • MATLAB: Hands-onSession, Resource Persons: Sreena V.G (AP, ECE), Hema S. Mahesh (AP,ECE)
  • MICROCONTROLLERS, Resource Persons: Nurul Hidaya (AP, ECE), Simi M.S (AP, ECE)
  • Simulation Software’s, Resource Persons: Minnu Jayan C. (AP, ECE), Preetha S.L (AP, ECE)
  • Internet of Things (IoT), Resource Persons: Glastin Y.V (AP, ECE)
  • VLSI & Embedded Systems, Resource Persons: Sony S. (AP, ECE), Ann Mathew (AP, ECE)



The S4, S6 and S8 students of Department of ECE were given an opportunity to visit the Start-Ups of Marian on 20th February, 2020. The students were extremely encouraged and contented to see their own seniors ruling the business world.

Talk session with our ECE Alumnae, working at INAPP Technopark (Ms.Anupama Dinesh (2014-2018 ) and Ms. Akhila S.S ( 2015-2019 ))

On 13th February, 2020 the S6 students (2017-2021 ECE) were given an opportunity to chat with the ECE Alumnae, regarding the outside world and opportunities which they have utilized.

An Industry Institute Interaction at NISH was held on 6th Feb, 2020 by Department of Electronics & Communication

The selected students of department from S4, S6 and S8 visited NISH on 6th Feb, 2020 from 3:30 to 4:30 pm, to learn about the existing products used by disabled. This visit gave them an inspiration to build better projects for the layman.

An Expert talk On Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence was organized on 3rd February, 2020 from 1:15 to 4:00 pm for S6 and interested S8 students. The session was handled by Ms.Reema Mammen Elizabeth, Researcher in AI, Curve Logistics

Department of Electronics & Communication organized an expert talk on communication by Shri. Radhakrishna Pillai, in charge of IT cell and Social Media of  Doordarshan on  31st Jan, 2020 from 9:30 to 12:30 for S4 ECE and S6 ECE students

Technopick, a technical event was organized by the students of S6 ECE (2018-2022) for the science batch students of Plus 2 at St.Joseph’s school  on 16 January 2020, where electronic kits were offered as prizes .

The Department of Electronics and Communication have organized an FDP on Bloch Chain and Applications in IOT from 6th to 7th January 2020. The resourse person was Mr.Sreeraj S(Director of BlockChain, NetObjex)

Expert Talk on Optical Communication by Mr. Harikumar ,SDE-BSNL-RTTC,Tvm,   for S7 ECE (2016-2020)

The Department of Electronics & Communication had organized an Expert talk session on Optical Communication on 21st November 2019 for the S7 students (2016-2020). The Resource person, Mr.Harikumar gave a very explicit class from an Industrial point of view.

Industrial Visit for S3 ECE (2018-2022) to O K A Basu’s Metal Technologies at KINFRA Parks, Menamkulam on 21st November, 2019

The Department of Electronics & Communication had arranged an Industrial Visit on 21st November, 2019  for S3 ECE students to OKA Basu’s Metal Technologies- Metal Fabricator in Kerala who are the highly committed providers of metal moulds, aerospace components , jigs and fixtures to ISRO, Brahmos etc.

Dr. Akila Surendran, Senior Engineer (Assistive Technology), National Institute of Speech & Hearing (NISH) addressing students on 4th November, 2019 

A Pre-placement talk and mock interview session was prearranged for the S7 (2016-2020) batch ECE students on 6/11/2019 at ECE Seminar Hall from 10:30 am to 4:15 pm.

Two day Workshop on INTERFACING REAL TIME SENSORS WITH MICROCONTROLLER for S5 Students by Mr. Shino G. Babu (Director, TIERA) from 2nd November to 4th November , 2019 at DSP Lab, Department of ECE.

Honoring of ECE 2001-2005 Batch Alumni Mr.Jayasooryan K.V (Head of Product, CARESTACK) on 25th October 2019, for his company 'Carestack, is being invested with Rs 200 Crore in the year 2019

Associaton Inauguration on 21 August 2019 by Dr. Lakshmi J. Mohan

MoU with NISH as technical training partner on 27th June 2019

  • Dr.Sreelal Sreedharan Pillai  (Sci/Engineer –SG, Section Head , Basband Systems Electronics Division (BSED), Digital System Group  (DSG), Avionics Entity ,VSSC had  inaugurated the Electronics Association on 30th October 2018, and also delivered a lecture on VLSI.
  • Ms.Meera Nair (Alumni of 2002-2006 ECE, Entrepreneur ) gave an  inspirational talk  on 9th October 2018, on how she thrived to complete her MS abroad
  • Dr.Rajkamal – Chairman of IEI  introduced IEI Student Chapter in our department , and had given a excellent talk on importance and benefits of being member of IEI. on 24th October , 2018
  • Prof. K. G. Gopchandran  (Asso.Prof, HOD, Dept. of Optoelectronics, University of Kerala, Kariavattom) gave an  Expert lecture on Nanoelectronics for the final year students on 8th March , 2019 at ECE Seminar Hall.
  • Mr. Vinoth A  , (EDWISE Consultants Pvt Ltd) and team gave a detailed session on  how to STUDY ABROAD  for the final year students  on 5th April 2019 
  • Malayalam Short Story Competition  was organized for the students of department on 11th April 2019.
  • Department Association  was inaugurated on 22nd September, 2017 by Dr. K.C.Raveendranathan (PG Dean, CET). 
  • MoU with  B+ve  as technical training partner. They are the  Oracle Partner in Kerala  responsible for conducting Oracle certified programs.

  • Prof.Dr.M.Sasikumar ( HOD,ECE) was being honoured for the auspicious occasion of Golden Jubilee Celebrations(50 years after Graduation) at CET. He was also presented Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Life Time Achievement National Award for his distinguished contibutions in the field of Teaching , Research & Publications on 26th January 2019.
  • Ms. Reshmalakshmi C. (AP on leave , ECE),under the guideship of Prof. Dr.M.Sasikumar has completed her PhD. Open Defence on 25th February 2019 at CET.
  • Ms.Malini S. (AP- on leave ,ECE) , under the guideship of Prof. Dr. R. S.Moni completed her PhD. Open Defence on 11th February 2019 at CET.
  • Ms. Sreena V.G (AP,ECE ) published a paper in Conference proceedings IEEE December 2018
  • On May 2nd, 2017, Dr.M.Manoj(Assoc. Professor) was awarded with Ph.d from N.I.University, Tamil Nadu, for the work “Spectral cluster and multi-textured flow classifier for tumor and lesion detecion in pet image.
  • Ms.Sreena V.G member of IEEE
  • Ms.MinnuJayan C. (AP,ECE) member of IEI
  • Reshmalakshmi C. presented a paper at the IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference, Washington, USA on December 4th, 2016.
  • Ms.Reshmalakshmi C. presented a paper on A Linguistic Colour Space in a Conference in Artificial Intelligence and Fuzzy Logic.

  • Ms.Vinitha B Elza, has participated in ‘Recent Research Trends in Green Energy Technologies’ organized by Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,College of Engineering Trivandrum from 8th to 12th January, 2024
  • Ms. MinnuJayan C. has participated in 5 day FDP on VLSI Design and Modelling organised by LBSITW from 8th to 13th January , 2024
  • Ms. MinnuJayan C. has participated in 5 day online FDP on ‘Recent Trends in Biomedical applications using AI’, organized by Department of Biomedical Engineering from 29th January to 2nd February, 2024 at St. Peters Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai.
  • Ms Preetha S.L and Ms.Simi M.S has attended an FDP ‘Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning for Image Analysis -Matlab and Python perspective’ Organized by the Dept of ECE, CMR Institute of Technology, Bengaluru from 8.5.23 to 13.5.23
  • Ms.Vinitha B Elza and Ms.MinnuJayan C, has participated in ‘VLSI to system design:Silicon to End Application Approach’ organized by AICTE and Arm Education and STMicroelectronics from 31st July to 4th August, 2023.
  • Ms. Vinitha B.Elza (Asso.Professor,ECE) attended a one day workshop by IEEE-APS at Hotel SP Grand Days on 21st December, 2018 from 9:00 am to 5:00pm.
  • Ms.Dhanya Mathew (AP,ECE) and Ms.Sreena V.G(AP,ECE)) attended an FDP on Advances in Machine Learning and Deep Learning held at Rajadhani Institute of engineering and Technology, Department of CSE , sponsored by KTU from from 17th to 21st December , 2018.
  • Mr.Evan Kumar G (AP,ECE) attended a 5 day FDP on Design Engineering 2018 organised by Department of ECE, Sarabhai Institute of Science & Technology from 3rd to 7th December.
  • Ms.Sreena V.G (AP,ECE) attended an AICTE/QIP sponsored Short Term Course on Deep Learning & Applications 2018 organised by College of Engineering, Trivandrum from 16th to 20th April , 2018.
  • Ms. Vinitha B. Elza, Ms. Anju Maria Martin and Ms. Preetha S. L attended a two day e-yantra workshop on Introduction to Robotics and Embedded Systems at Mar Baselios College of Engg and Tech. , TVM on 9th and 10th June 2017.
  • Dr. M. Manoj attended a three day FDP on Entrepreneurship Development from 19th to 21st May 2017at NEDC, Noida
  • Ms. Ann Mathew and Ms. Sony S. attended FDP on CMOS, Mixed Signal and Radio Frequency VLSI Design from 30th January to 4th February 2017 at Mar Baselios College of Engg and Tech., TVM
  • Ms.Nurul Hidaya , Ms.Simi M.S, Ms. Preetha S.L, Ms. Anju Maria Martin, Ms. Mary Sunitha, Ms. Monisha Menon , Ms. Dhanya Mathew attended FDP on LABVIEW for Teaching and Research at Lourdes Matha College of Science & Technology from 16th to 17th January 2017
  • Ms. Ramola Joy P., Ms. SubhaP.S , Ms. Sreena V.G, Ms. MinnuJayan C., Ms. Hema S. Mahesh, Mr. Evan kumar G. attended FDP on ‘Image and Speech Processing with Practical Applications from 9th January to 13th January 2017 at Mar Baselios College of Engg and Tech., TVM
  • Ms. Ramola Joy P., Ms. Vinitha B. Elza, Ms. Dhanya Mathew, Ms. Mary Sunitha, Ms. Minnu Jayan C, Ms. Sreena V.G., Ms. Sony S.and Ms. Ann Mathew attended a seminar on Product Familiarization of National Instruments , on 26th November, 2016 at Hilton Gardens.
  • Dr. M. Manoj attended a two day FDP on Outcome Based Education System and Values of NBA at Meenakshi College of Engg, Chennai from 20/6/2016 to 21/6/2016.
  • All the Faculty members of the department had attended a 3 day FDP on Concepts Coaching conducted by ICT Academy of Kerala during the year 2015
  • Mr.Glastin Y V attended a session titled Financial assistance to new entrepreneurs organized by Techno park (TBI) at Asian School of Business Management.
  • Ms.Simi M S, Ms. Rosmin Samson and Ms.Viji T participated in a FDP on RF Fundamentals and its applications at Govt Engineering College, Barton Hill from 06/01/2014 to 11/01/2014.
  • Ms.Sony S, Ms.Ann Mathew participated in a FDP on Digital VLSI design at Govt Engineering College, Barton Hill from 20-12-2013 to 21-12-2013
  • Ms. Monisha Menon ,attended a FDP onRecent Trends in Industrial Drives and Controls Sponsored by DTE, held at CET from Dec 2nd to 7th , 2013.
  • Ms.Vinitha B Elza participated in a FDP on Computational Tools in Research at College of Engineering, Attingal from 19-11-2013 to 02-12-2013
  • Ms.Ramola Joy ,Ms.Sreena V G participated in a FDP on Computer Vision and Image Processing” at LBS Institute of Technology from 20-11-2013 to 22-11-2013
  • Ms. Mena Raman attended a Short Term Training Program on Advancements in Speech and Audio Processing Sponsored by D TE, held at CET ,TVM from March 18th to 22nd , 2013
  • Ms. Nurul Hidaya S. presented a paper Wireless embedded device based on MiWi technology for monitoring physiological parametersat the IEEE national conference on computing, communication and network technologies at Vivekananda college of Engg, Tirudengode
  • Ms.Vinitha B Elza participated in a FDP on Recent Trends in Photonic Technology at Govt. Engineering College, Barton Hill from 26-11-2012 to 01-12-2012
  • Ms. Mena Raman attended ISTE approved Short Term training program on Digital Communication Systems organized by Department of EC , MBT, TVM from 4th June to 8th June ,2012
  • Ms.Ramola Joy P, Ms.Subha P.S participated in a FDP on Soft Computing" at St.Xaviers Institute of Technology from 21-05-2012 to 23-05-2012

FDPs Attended

  • Ms.Minnu Jayan C.(AP,ECE),Ms.Preetha S.L (AP,ECS), Mr.Evan Kumar G(AP,ECE) and Ms.Anusha A.V (AP,ECS) have participated in ATAL FDP on Beyond 5G: Research Directions and Opportunities held from 2/12/24 to 7/12/24 at Mar Baselious College of Engineering and Technology.
  • Ms.Ramola Joy P. (Asso. Prof., ECE), Ms.Sreena V.G (AP,ECE) , Ms.Dhanya Mathew (AP,ECE) and Ms.Ann Mathew(AP,ECS),Ms, Simi M S, Ms. Nurul Hidaya, Mr. Glastin Y V have participated in FDP on Advancing Intelligent Automation : The Convergence of IoT, ML and Robotics held from 2/12/24 to 6/12/24, organized by department of ECE, Vidya Academy of Science and Technology in collaboration with ISTE , IE(I) & IQAC VAST Chapter
  • Ms.Vinitha B Elza (Asso. Prof., ECE) has participated in ATAL FDP on 3D Printing and Design at College of Engineering, Trivandrum from 9/12/24 to 14/12/24.
  • Dr. M. Manoj (Professor-ECE, HoD-ECS) has also served as the resource person for “Idea to Tangible Product: The path way”, on 7th December, 2024 at College of Engineering, Attingal
  • Dr. M. Manoj (Professor-ECE, HoD-ECS) has played a pivotal role as resource person for “Lean Start Up and Minimum Viable Product” on 29th October, 2024 and “Innovation & Prototype Validation” on 3rd November, 2024 at VTM NSS College, Dhanuvachapuram
  • • Ms.Vinitha B Elza, (Asso.Prof., ECE)has participated in one week FDP on ‘Technological Advancements in synthesis of Novel Materials” organized by Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology (A),Hyderabad from 5th to 10th August, 2024
  • Ms.Simi M.S (AP,ECE), Ms.Minnu Jayan C.(AP,ECE) and Ms.Mary Sunitha (AP,ECE) attended a 3 day FDP on Engineering Mathematics and Research Methodologies organised by Department of EEE,MEC from 13th to 15th December, 2018.
  • Ms. Anju Maria Martin, Preetha S L participated in a 3 day workshop on IOT organized by IEDC and supported by Kerala Startup Mission at Marian Engineering College from 14th to 16th July 2016
Technical Fests, Seminars and Workshops
  • The Department organized a training programme on ˜VLSI Design & Implementation by Ms. Ancy C.P.(Expert Trainer, Networkz Systems), for S6 students, on March 8th,2017.
  • Dr. Sabu M. Thampi (Professor, IIITMK) conveyed an exceptional Talk on ˜Machine Learning in Cyber Security, for the faculty and students of the Department on 29th July , 2016
  • Mr. Noble Miller (Director, Human Resources Department Council, TVM) has taken a session on Grab Exciting Careers for the Final year students on 28th July 2016.
  • The department organized an Invited talk session by Mr. Arun J.E (JE, BSNL) on 27th July, 2016 on the topic FTTH (Fiber to the Home).
  • An Interactive session with Mr. Abin N. A (Project Manager, Quest Global, Technopark), and Mr. Shijin Shaji (Former Student, doing MS in Melbourne University was organized by the department for the final year students on 26th July , 2016.
  • Seminar on Emerging Areas in Avionics was conducted for the staff and students of ECE on 22nd January, 2016. U.S.Paul Russel, Sr. Engineer , Air India Engineering Services Ltd. was the Chief resource person.
  • The department organized a Tech fest ASTHRA15 coordinated by Ms. Simi M. S, Mr. Glastin Y. V ( Staff coordinators) , Jaison Joseph and Manish K. Mathew (Student coordinators). The events of the technical fest were: CODE CHEF with the theme ˜How good is your 8051 programming skills, put that for a test, ELECTRO BUZZ with theme Do you think you are an Electronics Pandit, prove it, BUGSMASH with theme Inspiring sustainable thinking & PROJECT EXHIBITION with the theme ˜Excellence & Innovation built into every design
  • Department organized a workshop on Semiconductor devices on 20th and 21st November 2014 by Dr. V. Suresh Babu, A. P., CET for the staff of the department.
  • One day seminar on Random process and Applications by Dr. Jiji C. V, Prof., CET was organized by the department on 4th November 2014 for the faculty and M. Tech students of the department
  • Mr.Abin N, Senior Lead Engineer, Nest, Technopark and ALUMINI of the Dept conducted a lecture on Technical Skill Development on 28th August 2014.
  • Faculty Development Programme on Transformation Techniques was organized on 17th December, 2013 for the faculty and PG students and Dr. Suresh K. (Professor, CET) was the resource person.
  • Department organized a workshop on Introduction to Random Processes and Applications by Dr. Jiji C. V,Prof, CET for the staff and M.Tech Students on 11th November 2013
  • Lab sessions of MATLAB and LABVIEW, handled by Mr. Naveen S.,AP,LBT and Ms. Lizy Abraham , AP, LBT were conducted on 13th June, 2013.
  • A detailed session of theory and practical on MATLAB was delivered by Dr. Rajeesh N. Associate Professor , Ponjessly College of Engg. Nagercoil on June 11th, 2013 .
  • On 27th March 2013 Ms. P K Padma Kumari Amma , Scientist , Head of medical safety and calibration lab at Electronics regional test lab(S), STQC DTE, Govt of India, Trivandrum conducted a talk on Requirements for safety medical electrical Equipments, Mr Bony Thomas ,Scientist, officer in charge of calibration lab and quality manager at Electronics regional test lab(S), STQC DTE, Govt of India, Trivandrum conducted a talk on Calibration and measurement uncertainty and Ms.S. Beena, Director of Electronics regional test lab(S), STQC DTE, Govt of India, Trivandrum conducted a talk on Life cycle processes in software intensive systems.
  • Prof. Thomas Joseph (Sc.D, CDAC) conducted a One day Training Program on Microcontrollers on 12th December 2012.
  • One day Training program on Introduction to Microcontrollers was organized by the Department on 11th December 2012 and trainers from Vi Microsystems were the Resource persons
  • One day workshop on Electronic Equipment Maintenance , was conducted on 27th November 2012 by Mr. Chandrasekharan Nair (Retd. Staff from Keltron/CDAC).
  • The Department organized a Tech Fest ASTHRA 11, on 8TH March, 2011. The events of Technical fests were Vignyan(Paper Presentation), Samasya(Circuit Debugging), Lakshya (Quiz), Avishkar (Project Expo).
  • The Department organized a Short Term Course on Nanotechnology , from 20th Dec to 22nd Dec, 2011.
  • The Tech Fest of the Department TechnoBlaze was held on 25th Feb, 2010. The events of the fest were Paper Presentation, Coding , Debugging & Technical Quiz.
  • The department organized a Tech Fest ASTHRA 09, on 7TH October, 2009. The events of Technical fests were Vignyan(Paper Presentation), Samasya(Circuit Debugging), Lakshya (Quiz), Avishkar (Project Expo).