First prize winners Shreyas S Krishna, Sacheth Sivaprasad, and Kiran P. of S5 ECS (22-26) were awarded the title "Techy of the Year"
Second prize winners Diya Udayakumar, Ancy K R, Alameen H N, Abhishek S S of S3 EC (23-27 EC)
On 29th July, 2024, an Expert Talk session by Dr. Arun P.L (College of Engineering, Perumon) on the topics “Digital Revolution : Navigating the Future ” and “ DSP: Where Signals meet Intelligence” was organized by the Department of Electronics for the 2022-2026 and 2023-2027 batch students of Electronic and Communication and Electronics and Computer Engineering.
On 22nd August, 2024 the Department had organized an expert talk session on Today and Future Electric Vehicles for the Green world by Mr. Hari Prabodhan . His experience on this area for the past 18 years at Texas has inspired and motivated students to bring out innovative ideas on project works.
On 22nd and 23rd April, 2024 the Kerala Block Chain Academy in collaboration with Department of ECE, organized a 2 day training program coordinated by Prof.Minnu Jayan C. and Prof.Preetha S.L for the registered students of ECE, ES and EEE. The Resource persons were Nikhil V Chandran R&D Engineer, Sumi Maria Abraham R&D Engineer and Niraja Shenoy R&D Engineer from Digital University of Kerala. The Block chain certificates were received by 16 students out of the 21 registered candidates.
The Faculty of Department of Electronics, visited the United Electrical Industries Ltd. On 14th June, 2024.
Department of ECE has an active association which will conduct technical and non technical programs on a regular basis. Students take an active participation in the programs.
Report of ECE Department Activities for the year 2022-2023 --- Click Here
Report of ECE Department Activities for the year 2021-22 Click Here
Report of ECE Department Activities for the year 2020-21 Click Here
Report of ECE Department Activities for the year 2021-22 Click here
ECE Department Tour from 21st March to 27th March, 2024.
Place of Visit: Wayanad, Mysore, Dandeli, Goa
Industrial Visit: kaynes Technology India Ltd., Mysore (Electronic device manufacturing company)
Alumni Interaction Session by Arun R.K (Alumni of 2005-2009ECE and now he is the Lieutenant Commander, Southern Naval Command, Indian Navy,Kochi)for the first year ECE and ES students on 14th March 2024 at ECE Seminar Hall.
CONVOCATION 2023 on 16-12-2023
The Department of ECE has organized the Marian Merits Day Chrysalis’23
,on 16-12-2023.Nearly 320 students participated in the event and made the day a great success
TECH EXPO on 7-12-2023
Based on the two day workshop on Arduino on 13th and 14th November, 2023 a competition was held for the S3 ECE and ES students (2022-2026) on 7thDecember, 2023. Of the 11 batches who participated the 1st prize was won by Kiran , Shreyas and Sacheth of ES batch for their product ‘’
Two day workshop was organized by the Department of Electronics in collaboration with Aester India Pvt. Ltd for the 2022-2026 ECE and ES students on 13th and 14th November 2023.
Two day workshop on Arduino by Aester India Pvt. Ltd.
AUXILIUM- an Assistive Technology club on 14-11-2023
On 14thNovember,2023 Dr. Ashmi M(Lead Project Scientist),Dr. Priyalakshmi S., (Project Scientist)& Mr. Deepu Raj, (Senior Engineer)of National Institute of Speech and Hearing (NISH), inaugurated the Club AUXILIUM- an Assistive Technology hub coordinated by the Department of ECE, and as part of that an awareness session was taken by the guests of Honour.
Expert Talk DSP and its Applications was held at ECE Semninar Hall on 31st October, 2023
Inauguration od ECE Association 2023
lnauguration of Marian Electronics Association 2023 -2024 on 17th October 2023,10am-12pm.
'Insight to IEEE'by Electronics Association on 17th October 2023,2pm -4pm.
A talk on careers and research in Telecom industry
On 13th June ,2021 a Script Writing Competition ‘ POOMARAM ‘ was organized by the Electronics and Communication Engineering Department
On 21st May, 2021 an Expert Talk on Artificial Intelligence & Speech Processing Applications- An Outlook was organized by the Department of Electronics & Communication, for the S6 (2018-2022 ECE) and S8 (2017-2021 ECE) students.
The Session was handled by Ms. Starlet Ben Alex, AP-ECE, SaintGits College of Engineering, Kottayam
Expert Talk on Fiber Optics in 5G
On 17 May, 2021 an Expert Talk on Fiber Optics in 5G was organized by the Department of Electronics & Communication, for the S6 (2018-2022 ECE) and S8 (2017-2021 ECE) students. The Session was handled by Dr. Sreedevi P.(AP-ECE , MBT)
On 15th May,2021 a Motivational Talk on ART OF SUCCESS was delivered by Mr. Abhinanth Jayakumar (Former Senate Chairman, MEC), Faculty and Trainer, Kerala Child Line.
On 12TH MAY, 2021 an Expert Talk on” Stepping to the World of Programming”, was organized for S2 (2020-2024) ECE students. The Session was handled by: Ms. Jyothi Johnson , AP,CSE
On 9TH MAY, 2021 an Expert Talk on ” General Awareness on Telecom Industry”, was organized for S2 (2020-2024) and S4 (2019-2023) ECE students. The Session was handled by: Mr.Dilshad S., Sub Divisional Engineer, BSNL
On 8TH APRIL, 2021 an “Awareness Session on Gate and Career Guidance” was organized by the Department of ECE, for S6 (2018-2022) and S8 (2017-2021) ECE students. The Session was handled by: Mr.S.M.M.TRINADH (ACE ENGIINEERING ACADEMY)
Expert Talk on ” General Awareness on Telecom Industry”
MoU with ACCUBITS TECHNOLOGIES (GLOBAL DEVELOPERS OF AI, BLOCKCHAIN) as Centre of Excellence in AI& ML on 27th January 2021 with objectives
Department of Electronics and Communication organized an FDP on 4th and 5th March 2021. The Sessions was handled by Mr. Sthanu Ramakrishnan Thambi, Project Delivery Manager, UST and Dr. Biji C. L., Course Instructor, Department of Bioinformatics, University of Kerala.
Department of Electronics and Communication organized an orientation program for first year ECE students (2020-2024) on 10 March 2021. The session was handled by Mr. ARUN R.K (2005 -2009 ECE), LIEUTENANT COMMANDER, INDIAN NAVY
The Department of Electronics & Communication has arranged an “Online Workshop on Blockchain Technology and Application”, with KBAIC (KERALA BLOCKCHAIN ACADEMY INNOVATION CLUB) on 26 th Feb, 2021.
Resource Person: Mr. Melwin Sunny, R & D Engineer, KBA
Participants: Limited to 30, interested students and staff of ECE had participated.
The aim of this Class is how effectively one can use different electronic platforms like Arduino Uno and Raspberry Pi to develop innovative and useful projects. The class was introduced to ECE students by ECE Departmentof Marian Engineering College and was handled by members of Mechatronics Club. The first day started with an introduction to Arduino where basic programs like BLINK where taught to get us familiarised. Then individual components and their working and setup with the microcontroller was made clear. Components like, LDR, relay, and displays were made familiar.
A Technical talk on Mechatronics
A Technical talk on Mechatronics by Mr. Maneesh T., AP in Mechanical Department, Marian Engineering College, and Ms. Sneha A.S ( Student Coordinator, Mechatronics Club) organized by Electronics Association for first year students on 03-1-2021, 2 to 3 pm
An Expert talk on 'Nurture the Entrepreneur in you' was organized by Electronics Association for First and Second Year Electronics Students on 29-01-2021, 02.00pm-02.40 pm. The session was handled by Dr. M. Manoj (Asso. Professor, ECE), IEDC Nodal Officer, Marian Engineering College.
A chat with seniors
A Chat with Seniors for first year students on 19-01-2021, 02.00pm-02.30 pm to give an insight of different associations and clubs in our college and their experience with placements, technical talks etc. The session was handled by Final year students of ECE
Electronics Association Organized a Technical Talk on "An Introduction on Machine Learning" by Ms. Sreena V. G, Assistant Professor in our department on 12 December 2020 in Google Meet. Most of the students from S7, S5 and S3 attended the same
Electonics Association Orgnizes a motivational seminar on "How to frame your AIM" on 30 November, 2020
Electronics Association Organizes an interaction with Alumni - Ms. Meera Vinod (2014-2018 batch), UX Researcher and Designer, Freelancing on 27 November, 2020
Virtual Inaugural Ceremony of Center of Excellence in AI & ML on 24 November 2020. The Keynote Address by the Guest of Honor Mr.Shameer Thaha, Global CEO and CSO,
Middle East / Africa, Accubits Technologies
Department of Electronics and Communication organizes a webinar on "Machine Learning". The session was handled by Ms. Jesna Joseph, Chief AI Engineer, LEAP on 21 November 2020.
Seminar Presentation Competition in "Best Innovation in Electronics" for students in S5 and S3, on 21 November 2020
An online Technical Quiz "QUIZHEADZZ" organized by our Association on 12 November, 2020. The winners are
A Technical Chat with Ms. Annie Kurian (Senior Technician, Allianz Technologies) for all S7 students on 02-11-2020 at 01.30 pm
Electronics Association hosted the Debate, "CROSSFIRE" among all departments in our college on October 31, 2020. The winners are
It was well organized and conducted by our S7 students of our department.
A free Webinar on "Introduction to Embedded Systems" in association with SkillDzire on 31 October, 2020. The session includes :
A free webinar on "Tips for Technical writing and Effective Presentation" was organized by our departmetn on 24 October, 2020. The sessions were handled by Prof. Sreena V. G and Prof. Minnu Jayan C of our department.
CHIT CHAT was an experience sharing session by our prestigious Alumni in different areas like higher education in India and Abroad, Job and interview experience in government and private sectors. It was follwed by an expert talk on Project Initiatives by Mr. Shino G. Babu, Director, TIERA on October 17, 2020.
Department of ECE, Marian Engineering College in association with CGP Career Avenues is organising a webinar on Job & Higher Studies options after B.Tech on October 10, 2020. Topics:
a) Jobs: Discussion on PSU jobs, Govt of India jobs, SSC JE, RRB JE, DEFENCE, etc.
b) Higher Studies: Options in India and abroad.
c) Choosing between M.Tech & MBA
Inaguration of Electronics Engineering Association on 26th September 2020 by Ms. Sujatha E., Joint General Manager, Tata Elxsi
On 19th September, the Department of Electronics and Communication, Marian Engineering College, Trivandrum had organized a online workshop through Google Meet, on PROTEUS DESIGN SUIT 8.0 with an intention to help students to design projects.
The resource person was Ms. Archa Mohan(Alumnus 2015-2019 ECE), System Engineer, Infosys.
On 24th July, the Department of Electronics and Communication, Marian Engineering College, Trivandrum had organized a webinar through Google Meet, on “Revealing the Robotic World” with an intention to motivate students of all disciplines to explore the Role of Robotics in Real world.
Webinar was handled by Mr. Alphonse Devasia, Senior Robotics Engineer, Unique World Robotics, Dubai, UAE. Moreover he is an Alumni of our College.
Department of Electronics & Communication, had organized FDP & Hands-on-Training on Simulation Tools & IoT for Technical Staff on 23rd and 24th June, 2020
The Sessions handled were:
The S4, S6 and S8 students of Department of ECE were given an opportunity to visit the Start-Ups of Marian on 20th February, 2020. The students were extremely encouraged and contented to see their own seniors ruling the business world.
Talk session with our ECE Alumnae, working at INAPP Technopark (Ms.Anupama Dinesh (2014-2018 ) and Ms. Akhila S.S ( 2015-2019 ))
On 13th February, 2020 the S6 students (2017-2021 ECE) were given an opportunity to chat with the ECE Alumnae, regarding the outside world and opportunities which they have utilized.
An Industry Institute Interaction at NISH was held on 6th Feb, 2020 by Department of Electronics & Communication
The selected students of department from S4, S6 and S8 visited NISH on 6th Feb, 2020 from 3:30 to 4:30 pm, to learn about the existing products used by disabled. This visit gave them an inspiration to build better projects for the layman.
An Expert talk On Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence was organized on 3rd February, 2020 from 1:15 to 4:00 pm for S6 and interested S8 students. The session was handled by Ms.Reema Mammen Elizabeth, Researcher in AI, Curve Logistics
Department of Electronics & Communication organized an expert talk on communication by Shri. Radhakrishna Pillai, in charge of IT cell and Social Media of Doordarshan on 31st Jan, 2020 from 9:30 to 12:30 for S4 ECE and S6 ECE students
Technopick, a technical event was organized by the students of S6 ECE (2018-2022) for the science batch students of Plus 2 at St.Joseph’s school on 16 January 2020, where electronic kits were offered as prizes .
The Department of Electronics and Communication have organized an FDP on Bloch Chain and Applications in IOT from 6th to 7th January 2020. The resourse person was Mr.Sreeraj S(Director of BlockChain, NetObjex)
Expert Talk on Optical Communication by Mr. Harikumar ,SDE-BSNL-RTTC,Tvm, for S7 ECE (2016-2020)
The Department of Electronics & Communication had organized an Expert talk session on Optical Communication on 21st November 2019 for the S7 students (2016-2020). The Resource person, Mr.Harikumar gave a very explicit class from an Industrial point of view.
Industrial Visit for S3 ECE (2018-2022) to O K A Basu’s Metal Technologies at KINFRA Parks, Menamkulam on 21st November, 2019
The Department of Electronics & Communication had arranged an Industrial Visit on 21st November, 2019 for S3 ECE students to OKA Basu’s Metal Technologies- Metal Fabricator in Kerala who are the highly committed providers of metal moulds, aerospace components , jigs and fixtures to ISRO, Brahmos etc.
Dr. Akila Surendran, Senior Engineer (Assistive Technology), National Institute of Speech & Hearing (NISH) addressing students on 4th November, 2019
A Pre-placement talk and mock interview session was prearranged for the S7 (2016-2020) batch ECE students on 6/11/2019 at ECE Seminar Hall from 10:30 am to 4:15 pm.
Two day Workshop on INTERFACING REAL TIME SENSORS WITH MICROCONTROLLER for S5 Students by Mr. Shino G. Babu (Director, TIERA) from 2nd November to 4th November , 2019 at DSP Lab, Department of ECE.
Honoring of ECE 2001-2005 Batch Alumni Mr.Jayasooryan K.V (Head of Product, CARESTACK) on 25th October 2019, for his company 'Carestack, is being invested with Rs 200 Crore in the year 2019
Associaton Inauguration on 21 August 2019 by Dr. Lakshmi J. Mohan
MoU with NISH as technical training partner on 27th June 2019
FDPs Attended