Student Clubs



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Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary subject which can be defined as the integration of Mechanical Engineering, Electronics and Intelligent Computer control in design and manufacture of products and processes. In the year 2013 and 2014 mechatronics workshops were conducted by external professionals in collaboration with esteemed colleges like IIT and IISc. It also develops the Marian Research and Development centre by developing inter disciplinary projects which is beneficial to society. The aim of this club is to give training on programming languages, microcontrollers in a wide spectrum basis which is beneficial to for the Department of Mechanical, Electronics, Electrical and Computer Science. Along with this, the club arranges  workshops to give hands-on experience to the upcoming interested students during semester break. 

Newly elected Executive Members : Click Here



The goal of the cell is to contribute to safer and healthier communities through coordinated efforts to prevent use, treat dependency, and reduce production and distribution of illicit drugs. The main objectives of the antidrug cell is to prevent youth from using illicit drugs by enhancing their awareness and understanding of the harmful social and health effects of illicit drug use; and to develop and implement community-based interventions and initiatives to prevent illicit drug use.

  1. Seminar on drug abuse and its consequences by Dr. Arun. B. Nair, Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, Medical College for Second year students on 03 March 2016.
  2. Seminar on drug abuse and its consequences by Dr. Dineesh, Mental Health care Hospital,Oolampara for first year students on 05 February 2016.
  3. Seminar on drug abuse and its consequences by Dr. Arun B. Nair, Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, Medical College for final year students on 01 February 2016.
  4. Seminar on drug abuse and its consequences by Dr. Arun B. Nair, Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, Medical College for final year students on 21January 2016.
  5. Anti-Narcotic Cell/Vimukthi of Marian engineering college conducted a seminar on Influence of Drugs among Youngsters which was held on 27-Mar-2019,where representatives from every classes were included.Seminar was lead by Mr. Pradeep Roa,  Inspector of Excise – Range office Kazakuttom.

Anti Drug Club Members


Inaguration by Sri. P. JayarajanJoint Excise commissioner ,Internal Audit wing, Kerala

Awareness program for the First Year students