Extra Curricular Activities

The Extra Curricular Activities committees is constituted with the following members with immediate effect.

The teaching Department Association is reconstituted with the following memebrs with immediate effect



Sl NO Name Position  Phone Number Email Id
1 Dr.Amjith L R(Asst.Prof ME) Convenor 9946289978 amjithlr.me@marian.ac.in
2 Prof. Pramod Raj T P (Asst. Prof, ME) Coordinator Music Club 9495344863 pramodrajtp.me@marian.ac.in
3 Prof.ASha Davood Z (Asst. Prof, CE) Coordinator Dance Club 9746155556 ashadavood.ce@marian.ac.in
4 Prof.Sumitra K (Asst PRof, EEE) Coordinator Quiz Club 8547727262 sumita.ee@marian.ac.in
5 Prof.Rajaneesh R Chandran(Asst. PRof. ME) Coordinator Literary Club 9496813130 rajaneeshrchandran.me@marian.ac.in
6 Mr. HIran Mohan (Asst Prof. Physical Education) Coordinator Sports Club 8593963359 hna.hiran@gmail.com
7 Mr. Abhijith R Arts Club Secretary 7012019243  
8 Mr.Arif Mohammed (CSE) Magazine Editor    
9 Mr. Adithyan R B Sports Club Secretary    


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